Ripple: a small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, especially as caused by an object dropping into it or a slight breeze.
I picture it as an expansive, momentum shift. Each of us vibrating a good mood energetically left in the air to be experienced or transformed by the next person. I honestly believe that's why moods can be "Contagious!"
We are all connected, if by nothing other than the energy we send off with a smile or helping hand. Just like a negative and hateful person can dampen a day or party, the opposite is possible, but I think positivity is far more profound. Singing with a stranger, Laughing till it hurts, spreading love through small joyous moments shared.
The pheromones and endorphins, and all the good stuff, churn and burn to boost us along our days.
I'm not saying it's easy. Trust me. Just trying to write these five paragraphs, I've had to break up a fight, get up three times to deal with a screaming toddler, have been interrupted by a dog needing to go out, a phone call, and a scream for help only to find out that my six year old merely couldn't find her spring sweater. STILL, I am committed to being positive and sending YOU happy vibes!
Let's try it. I'll start with absolute and full intention to brighten your day.
I choose to dodge the dreary, to be nimble around negative thoughts and people, and YOU will receive my vibrating, palpable zaps of harmonious happy light and love!
I'm not asking you to pass this POST on, or somehow advertise me. I'm nobody...This is not about me. It's about the collective choice we have to positively affect each other every day. So in your own way, inspire a smile, warm a muted heart, give a hand, help hope float, offer positivity and maybe my little ripple will spread to your life.
Then you drop some joy into the sea of happy, and if all goes well, and we can build an under-current, a resiliently bright riptide!
For you, for me, for all those we WILL effect today, why not try to create a Harmonious Happy Human Ripple!
Go out into the great open spaces and beam some joy into the ether! DO IT! Feel the beauty in not wanting reciprocation, but simply the grace of sending love because love is free and you want NOTHING in return!
#H3Ripple ideas:
- Smile and wish someone a good day!
- Hug hard and long with intention to heal the unseen broken bits, silently.
- Give a friend/family member/foe a compliment from your heart!
- Open every door for everyone you see out there today!
- Meditate pure joy into the universe today. (I do everyday.)
- Help a stranger purely because it could be you! (Someone struggling with a stroller, about to drop an armful of groceries, needing a dollar to buy a bottled water.)
- Blow kisses and give BIG LOVE!
Start a RIPPLE of
-Loving Big, Lulu
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